Friday, August 29, 2008

Part 2 Ante-Nicene Writers on Baptism

Part 2 from the Ante-Nicene Writers
on Baptism

Theophilus and Irenaeus

circa 180 AD



~~~from Theophilus, (ANF 2. 180)

The things proceeding from the waters were blessed by God, that this also could be a sign of men being destined to receive repentance and remission of sins, through the water and bath of regeneration-- as many as come to the truth and are born again.


~~~from Irenaeus...

When we come to refute them [the Gnostics], we will show in its proper place that this class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God. Thus, they have renounced the whole faith...For the baptism instituted by the visible Jesus was for the remission of sins. (ANF 1.346)


~~~ Again, from Irenaeus...

As we are lepers in sin, we are made clean from our old transgressions by means of the sacred water and the invoction of the Lord. We are spiritually regenerated as new-born babes, just as the Lord has declared: Unless a man is born again through water and the Spirit, he will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

(ANF 1.574)

(to be continued)

Elder Milton

Friday, August 8, 2008


Some Thoughts
from the Ante-Nicene Church

on Baptism

taken from the Ante-Nicene Fathers,

the volumes of writings of the Early Church

From Barnabas (c. 70-130 A.D.) recorded in the ANF 1.144.....

Blessed are they trusting in the cross, going down into the water... We indeed descend into the water full of sins and defilement. However, we come up, bearing fruit in our heart, having the fear [of God] and the trust in Jesus in our spirit.


From Hermas (c. 150 A.D.) recorded in ANF 2.49.....

Before a man bears the name of the SON of GOD, he is dead. But when he receives the seal, he lays aside his deadness and obtains life.The seal, then is the water. They descend into the water dead, and they arise alive.


From Justin Martyr (c.160) recorded in ANF 1.183....

In order that we may obtain in the water THE REMISSION OF SINS formerly committed, there is pronounced over him who chooses to be born again, and has repented of his sins, the name of GOD the FATHER and LORD of the Universe... And in the name of JESUS CHRIST... and in the name of the HOLY SPIRIT.


to be continued...

Friday, August 1, 2008


Cases of Conversions in Acts

part 5

><)))> Jesus said, the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins. Jesus forgave the paralytic, woman taken in adultery, thief on the cross, and many others' sins, upon their faith.


After Jesus' resurrection, He wants repentant believers to join His death, burial, resurrection spiritually and physically in the baptism watergrave.



Rom 10:9 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Many quote this as the complete requirement for salvation. Since repentance is not mentioned, and is surely required, might not baptism be required also? This study of Acts shows that baptism is required for salvation.


If we (fleshly and sinful) have been: co-crucified Rom 6:5, in the baptism, Col 2:12, we shall be also of the Resurrection, Rom 6:5.

We have been co-quickened (spiritually made alive) and co-raised with Christ, Col 2:12-13, from the watergrave/baptism, our body yet to be regenerated at the great Resurrection,

if we are faithful.



At age 99, Abraham and all his household males entered covenant with God by being circumcised, Gen 17. From then on, including the Mosaic law, any male child not being circumcised was not in the covenant, and was to be cut off from his people.


The old flesh circumcision covenant ended with Christ's death, as did the Mosaic covenant which had been ratified by animal blood sacrifice. Now, circumcision is of the heart, in spirit (by the Spirit) Rom 2:29, as one is baptized in water and joined with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection; read Col 2:11-13. It must be concluded that if one is not spiritually circumcised in water baptism, he does not enter God's new covenant. Eph 2:8-10 For, to the grace/charis you are having been saved thru faith/trust, and this (salvation) not from you, God's gift, not from works (not earned) that no one should boast.



For we are the product/thing made, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works... (literal version) What is it about Eph 2:8-10 that causes men to insist that water baptism is a work which cannot be required for salvation? Since it is evident that Jesus and the apostles commanded water baptism for salvation, and He said, If you keep My commands you will abide/continue in My love, John 15:10, what kind of judgment awaits those who persist in doing/teaching contrariwise?


Mt 7:21-23 Not everyone saying to Me (Jesus) “Lord, Lord,” will enter into the kingdom of heaven but the one doing the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, haven't we prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many powerful works in your name?” Then I will declare to them “I never knew you; depart from Me you workers of lawlessness!”—never born again of water and the Spirit into the family/Kingdom of God? Not in submission to the Law of Christ?

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