Sunday, January 27, 2019

APOSTLE BARNABAS : We Descend into the WATER Full of Sins and DEFILEMENT

THE APOSTLE BARNABAS  70 -130, Eastern writer
JESUS answered,
Verily, verily, I+ say unto thee, 
Except a man be born of Water and of the SPIRIT, 
he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD.
John 3:5 

How . . .
did the Pre-Nicene Christians interpret these plain words of CHRIST ? 

From the Epistle of Barnabas, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1, Section XI , "Baptism and the Cross Prefigured in the Old Testament,"  page 144 :

[ After Barnabas quotes several passages in the Prophets and Psalms, he says ] . . . Mark how HE has described at once both the Water and the Cross.  For these words imply,

Blessed are they who, placing their trust in the CROSS, have gone down into the Water; . . .

This meaneth that we indeed descend into the Water full of sins and defilement, but come up, bearing fruit in our heart, having the fear [ of GOD ]  and trust in JESUS in our spirit. "

This Apostle and companion of the Apostle Paul, both separated unto the work of the LORD by the HOLY SPIRIT,  did not spiritualize away the "WATER" not did he ignore the cleansing work in our souls effected by the Waters of BAPTISM. 

Why do we ?  
 Verily, verily, I+ say unto thee, 
Except a man be born of Water
and of the SPIRIT, 
he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD.
The Words of JESUS CHRIST  . 


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